1. We want to ensure supporters have a true say in our football club

2. In partnership with other supporter groups, we want to establish a unified voice for fans of Birmingham City

3. We want to secure representation and influence for supporters within the football club

4. We want to help safeguard the football club’s future

5. We want to support the football club’s progression and to help it become the very best it can be

6. Our objectives are to

  • develop a meaningful working relationship with the football club
  • increase supporter influence
  • promote supporter involvement

About Us……..

Blues Trust is an organisation for the fans of Birmingham City Football Club, run by fans of BCFC.

Blues Trust is supportive of the football club but independent of it.

Our mission is to ensure fans have a true voice in the things that affect our club and how it is run.

  • Since it was formed the Trust has secured the long term future of our stadium as an asset of Community Value, as well as establishing itself as a credible and respected supporter group.
  • We are a shareholder in Birmingham City Plc.
  • If you really care about BCFC and want to affect positive change then we want you on board.
  • Blues Trust is affiliated to The Football Supporters Association (FSA). The FSA is the democratic, representative body for supporters in England and Wales. It is the leading advocate for supporter ownership, better fan engagement, cheaper ticket prices, the choice to stand at the match, protecting fan rights, good governance, diversity, and all types of fan empowerment. Its predecessor, Supporters Direct, helped to establish supporters’ trusts at many clubs and it helped us register our Rules on 21 February 2012.
[The organisations Supporters Direct and the Football Supporters Federation have merged to form The Football Supporters’ Association ]

We hope you enjoy exploring our website.

Football Supporters' Association
The Football Supporters’ Federation and Supporters Direct have joined forces to become the Football Supporters’ Association

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