Membership – FAQ’s

We have had a number of questions concerning our membership rules and below are our responses.  Just click on a question to reveal the answer.

If there is anything you wish to know that is not answered then please let us know by completing our contact form here.

Why have a membership?
Blues Trust is a registered society regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, made up of members whereby each fully paid up member has a vote in how the trust is run and who serves on its Board.  Members are the life-blood of our organization
What are Blues Trust's Aims and Objectives?
Blues Trust, one of many Supporters’ Trusts, is set up for the benefit of Birmingham City fans. Driven by one clear objective, Blues Trust aims to improve relations between Birmingham City Football Club and its fans, affording supporters a greater say in the way Birmingham City FC is run. You can read about Blues Trust, its vision, its mission statement and principle aims here.
How much will it cost?
Full annual membership with voting rights is £5 per annum.  The membership fee includes £1 to purchase an obligatory ordinary £1 share in the Society.  There are options for 2 and 5 year memberships. More information on our membership options can be found here.
Will I get regular information and updates?
 Yes, we aim to publish a regular newsletter to all our members and contacts who sign up for it. You may unsubscribe if you wish. We also strive to report, on a timely basis, those things that affect the Trust, BCFC and the wider trust movement.
What will my money be used for?
As well as those listed below, the membership fee is a way of differentiating your membership; the board thought long and hard about this and feels it helps with that sense of belonging and ownership. Arriving at a fee of £5 was no easy decision and in fact is significantly lower than many other trust/supporter organisations. The fee also helps us cover essential administrative costs incurred through:

  • the hiring of meeting venues.
  • the hosting and running of our website.
  • organising events, many of which members are invited to free of charge.
  • any out-of-pocket expenses.

It also ensures that your supporter’s organisation operates on a stable financial footing in both the short and long term. All Trust Board members are volunteers and do not receive any remuneration for the work they undertake on behalf of Trust members.

Will I have a vote?
 Yes, every full member over the age of 16 years is entitled to one vote. Junior members under 16 years do not have a vote.
Are there any age restrictions?
 No, except that you have to be 16 years or over to be a voting member.  
Can anyone join?
How do I apply?
On-line on Blues Trust website here or by postal application. You will need to have registered on the site and be logged in to have access to the member pages.  If you prefer to apply by post then you can download a copy of an application form here.
How long does it last?
Payment of £5 carries a one year membership. Arrangements are in place on the website to purchase a membership of up to 5 years for a proportionate cost. A 5 years membership costs £20, so you get one year free.  If you wish to apply for more than 5 years, then please contact the Membership Secretary here.
Will you notify me when my membership is about to expire?
Yes, up to a month beforehand. If you wish you can renew on-line at any time before the expiry date and your membership will be extended by the appropriate length of time.  In other words, you would not lose any unexpired period of membership by renewing early.
What happens to my one ordinary £1 share in the Trust if I don't renew my membership?
In accordance with our rules, Ordinary shares are not withdrawable.  Your share would be cancelled and the amount subscribed for the share would become the property of the Trust.  You would be given a period of grace of 1 month after expiry of your membership before this would normally happen.
How do I pay?
You can pay on-line with a Credit/Debit card through either STRIPE or PayPal, or through your own PayPal account. Alternatively, you can pay off-line by a Bank Transfer or by post with a cheque. Full instructions are in the website membership pages here.
Can I receive your newsletters if I am not a full member?
Yes, if you  are a follower and sign up here.  But please note that this does not confer any voting rights.  More information is available on our Members page here
Football Supporters' Association
The Football Supporters’ Federation and Supporters Direct have joined forces to become the Football Supporters’ Association

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