Fan Power

25 May 2021 | 5 comments

In Off The Post
The following article has been written by one of our Trust members.  Would you like to contribute a discussion point of your own about Birmingham City Football Club?  If so, we would be delighted to hear from you.
Hi Blues Trust,

Thank you for your email regarding the petition and open letter to the owners, and for confirming what football fan power can achieve.  Now is the time to go one giant step further.  The fans successful resistance to the proposed Super League needs to be built on.

There’s talk of the Government bringing forward legislation with regard to the governance of football, which provides the opportunity for fans to have more say in the day to day running of football clubs. Currently there’s support for the German league model which I understand gives fans 50%+1 say in the governance of the clubs that they support.  I understand that fans of other English league clubs support this model of supporter involvement and are making their views heard.

Given that, I as a member of the Blues Trust consider that the Trust, along with other interested parties, should pursue this model of fans involvement in the management of football clubs through a petition and/or any other means.

Brian Salisbury

Read More…..50%+1 Rule From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See also the BT Sport’s video below on “Should The English Football League adopt the Bundesliga’s 50+1 Rule?”

Want to be a full member with voting rights? We have options for 1 and 2 years at £5 per year.  There is also a 5 year membership for £20 so you get 5 years for the price of 4.  See information and options here.
By making comments on the above article, you agree to Blues Trust retaining your email address should we need to make contact with you for admin purposes.   Let us know at if you do not wish us to do this.  We will not give out your email address to any 3rd party sources.


  1. Moin

    I agree entirely.

    However, how we would shift the ownership from the current owners to the fans could be problematic.

  2. terryms

    Our owners seem to have no problem diluting their holding to transfer ‘ownership’ to suit their needs. So given a law on the matter then allowing 50% +1 as per Germany model, should not present a problem. Of course if they find new ownership rules unnacceptable they would just have to sell. (We may not have a stadium in which to play though !!)

  3. Mitchell Bray

    Problem is with our owners boils down to total uncertainty. We always wait anticipating the next crisis expecting the worse. Nothing will therefore be a surprise. Hope for the best but expect the worse. Sorry but true.

    • Sausage n Egg

      They are not going anywhere without getting a nice fat wedge back … Football is secondary to owning a business for whatever reasons although we all have our suspicions as to why … Anyway can’t stay chatting I have got to go do my laundry ( ahem, cough)

  4. Martin Hall

    The 50+1 provision is a generality based on a football club being a limited company encompassing all operations and shareholders. As far as Blues are concerned the structure is much more complicated and convaluted. Lets look forward to the consultations and participate wherever we can. There is definitely a fresh approach at B9 after the recent resignations and we should push for better dialogue with the Trust who represent the fans and go into those discussions with an open mind.

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