Fan-led Review: Report Submission

9 Jul 2021 | 5 comments

Report Submission

Blues Trust recently made its submission, in the form of a written report, to the Government’s Fan Led Review of Football being conducted by Tracey Crouch MP and her Review Panel.

The report was produced with input from Trust members and other supporters of Birmingham City FC following a detailed consultation exercise.

The report brings together our thoughts into a set of proposals that we consider are required to protect the future of football from greed and to maintain sporting competition and community wellbeing.

Our proposals include calling for independent regulation of the football industry, with powers to verify responsible ownership; the enforcement of financial limits on spending; the redistribution of revenues more fairly; and ensuring the fans voice is influential through board level engagement and/or right to ownership (over time).

The report is here.

Tracey Crouch is expected to produce an interim report later this month with a final report being published in October.

Blues Trust


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  1. Eric Jones

    From Eric Jones.
    I want to thank the Blues Trust for the fantastic report for the Fan Led Review. The research you took on and the availability for all fans to contribute was superb. I was very impressed with the detail of ownership and how Blues ownership has not been properly monitored by the Football League. In fact we may have an owner that is not even known to the Football League let alone monitored! Thank you for your superb volunteer work for all of the Bluenoses. I am a fan from the 1950s living now in Victoria, Canada and come every year (except for Covid) to St. Andrews. Thanxxxxxx

  2. Mitchell

    Eric’s third sentence is the key. Nobody really understands the ownership of the club. People have tried and supporters have delved in ( myself included). What is best as we are now is ‘better the devil you know’

  3. Andy A,

    This report is an outstanding piece of work and all those involved deserve our congratulations and support. Proud to be a member of the Trust. Hopefully, we get feedback from the relevant authorities with action forthcoming.

    Keep up the good work. KRO.

  4. Valentine Mark PHILLIPS

    An absolutely outstanding report and heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed.
    May I make 2 comments:
    1. Page 6 – 2009: At the time of Carson Yeung’s offer I am reliably informed the shares in Birmingham City PLC were trading at 26p. He bid £1-00. As it was a PLC this information can be verified.
    This is an extremely important point in the light of what happened subsequently.
    2. The Independent Regulator’s word must be law, no ifs and buts about it.

  5. Keith P

    I am delighted with the depth professionalism and insights in this document. My very warm congratulations to all involved.

    I know you have covered it but:

    Fit and Proper test doesn’t work It needs to be external to the leagues by experts working to agreed Rules. How Carson ever passed with his background suggests corruption to me

    Supporters on the Board. The Golden share for certain decisions makes perfect sense. In my experience eon PLC and private Boards actual Board meetings are a process to formally agree decisions already taken at behind the scenes meetings so something about being able to submit Agenda items and be able to join non Board meetings where matters of for example ownership, ground ownership are discussed

    I wrote to my MP about this topic and basically got referred to Tracey Crouch but maybe a coordinated campaign with MP’s all over the country wherever Blue Noses live (Cheshire in my case)

    I will await developments and again congratulations This must have take so many hours

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