Importance Of The Fan-Led Review
If you have not heard about the government sponsored Fan Led Review of Football yet, the chances are that you will in the coming weeks and months. If the recommendations made in the Review are approved by Parliament later this year, the impact on football as we know it will be significant. And the changes likely to be introduced will have far reaching consequences for the owners of BCFC, whoever they are.
Blues Trust has been engaged with the Review since it was launched in May of last year. The Trust consulted Blues supporters about the Review, made a detailed written submission to the Review Panel which included all of the comments received from Blues fans, and held one to one discussions with Tracey Crouch MP, the chair of the Review. The Trust also worked very closely with the Football Supporters Association (FSA) during the consultation period, and is continuing to do so now.
The Trust is fully supportive of the recommendations being made, and urges all Blues supporters to familiarise themselves with what they are. A recent summary prepared by the Trust can be found here. A final and complete copy of the Review Report can also be found on the Government website here or on the front page of the Trust website at
It is not guaranteed that the recommendations will be approved by Parliament, even though there currently appears to be widespread support from all political parties. There are some strong and powerful dissenting voices, not least a small number of wealthy and successful Premier League clubs, who it is believed are likely to attempt to have the proposals thrown out or watered down to protect their own interests.
So your awareness of the Review and, hopefully, your support of what it is trying to do could be crucial going forward. In collaboration with the FSA, the Trust will be launching a lobbying campaign later this month and we will be encouraging fans of our club to contact their MP to impress upon them the need for change. We will send out more details nearer the time to help anyone that is willing to contribute.
In the meantime, Blues Trust would be happy to receive any comments or questions you might have about the Review.
Blues Trust
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Its all well and good saying that they have to tell you who owns the club….these shady owners and Wang Yaohui will just hide behind his proxy front men as he is doing with most of his businesses ?
Mick. Thanks for your comment. The existing fit and proper persons test (for Owners and Directors) has failed to stop many owners who are not ‘fit and proper’. Could we ask you to read the proposals at Chapter 4, Page 65 of the Fan-Led Review(FLR) that introduces recommendations for change.
You can download the FLR at the following link.