Fan Led Review: Debate in Parliament

8 Nov 2022 | 3 comments

The Parliamentary debate that Blues Trust highlighted on Saturday took place last night, Monday 7 November. The debate had been secured by Shabana Mahmood, MP for Birmingham Ladywood.

In the debate Shabana set out, in detail and at some considerable length, the serious concerns Blues fans have about the ownership of our football club. The debate can be viewed above courtesy of

The video clip is just over 30 minutes long but it is very interesting and informative, and certainly worth viewing if you have time to do so. The plight of Birmingham City FC is made clear for all to see.

At a time when the first team is performing exceptionally well and lifting everyone’s spirits, it is important not to lose focus on the serious ownership questions at St. Andrew’s. Blues Trust once again acknowledges and thanks Shabana for her efforts on behalf of all Blues fans. The Trust will continue to work with Shabana and support those efforts going forward, and will also continue to make its own representations to try and secure positive changes for the future and long term well-being of the club we all care for.

Blues Trust


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  1. Mitchell Bray

    Whatever the future holds for our club- this development is massive. Why is it? Simply because BCFC is now known to have been used and abused. Not likely to happen again. Pity this disclosure to the ‘world’ wasn’t addressed earlier. Takeovers in the future will be treated with proper protection, and I feel we as Blues will be in a better place.

  2. Ed Truman

    Excellent work Blues Trust. Really good to get this out so soon. And an excellent speech from Shabana Mahmood MP. Whatever our politics, I though she spoke very well and certainly did us proud by strongly, and forensically, challenging the ownership mess at the club and acknowledging the suffering of Blues fans.

    A couple of other observations though. Firstly, really good to hear Aaron Bell, the MP for Newcastle-under-Lyme, call out the Ultimo GG crypto shambles from earlier this year. It’s good that others are aware of that. The club certainly has questions to answer about it.

    Secondly, it was a shame the chamber wasn’t very full. And particularly so given that the city of Birmingham has 10 Parliamentary constituencies. Where on earth were the other local MP’s when the debate was going on?!

  3. Bill

    At long last there’s someone taking the financial and governance of football seriously. The Premier League will only give up a substantial part of broadcasting income if they are forced to which I believe is at the heart of the problem. I was pleased to see that it was acknowledged that Directors Test was not fit for purpose. I only hope the EFL do not punish the club for its own failure. The priority of any new owner is to secure the future of St. Andrews.

    Well done to the Blues Trust and Shabana Mahmood in bringing the matter to the wider publics notice….It was also disappointing to see that no other Birmingham MPs bothered to turn up.,

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