Supporting The Trust

11 May 2021 | 6 comments

In Off The Post

The following article has been written by one of our Trust members.  Would you like to contribute a discussion point of your own about Birmingham City Football Club?  If so, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Yesterday, a piece was published on Blues Trust website, reference an open letter to the owners and CEO of our beloved club. I for one placed a comment or three on it. One of the others to “speak” made one particularly important and effective comment in their inclusion, it was very simple but also very powerful and I hope they won’t mind me quoting part of it, “Support The Trust”.

We are all members of The Blues Trust because we believe in our club, we all want what’s right and best for our club, and we all want our voices heard by our club. Let’s not pretend that we will all always agree on every syllable, every comment, or every spelling or grammar mistake that is printed or submitted because life just isn’t like that. One thing we can all agree on is that we want to be part of the team albeit from the stands. We want to sing “Keep Right On” with love in our souls and a tear in our eyes until our lungs feel as though they will burst …. And we all want to sing it together.

Much the same has to be said for voicing our opinions whether they be good or bad, we are louder together, and the Trust has the knowledge and the means to put our opinions through the correct channels; also there is a much higher percentage of us being heard as one voice of a thousand as opposed to anyone at the club reading a thousand messages all based on the same topic.

I have a favourite acronym …. TEAM …. Together Everyone Achieves More

We are a team and we need to be heard and seen as a team ……………… “SUPPORT THE TRUST”

John Paget


Want to be a full member with voting rights?

We have options for 1 and 2 years at £5 per year.  There is also a 5 year membership for £20 so you get 5 years for the price of 4.  See information and options here.

By making comments on the above article, you agree to Blues Trust retaining your email address should we need to make contact with you for admin purposes.   Let us know at if you do not wish us to do this.  We will not give out your email address to any 3rd party sources.


  1. Sausage n Egg

    Well spoken!!! But I don’t expect that our illustrious CEO will give a flying wotnot, his track record would suggest that… If he’s still around at the start of next season I imagine when he sees the reaction of Blues fans to his appearance his face will be like the owner of an all you can eat buffet when a coach load of fat lads pull into the car park.

  2. WayCoolBlue

    Has anyone at the Trust ever thought of buying up shares in the club setting up a go fund me or something similar.

    I believe fans will donate to a cause like that. If the Trust can acquire 24% of the club shares that gives the trust a stronger vice. Above 25% I believe that would make the trust a major decision maker.

    What do we have to lose in trying?


  3. Keith Purdom

    Be good for Trust to condemn the racist banner

    • sausage n Egg

      I think most people would know they condemn it anyway… You don’t have to sniff a fart to know it might stink

    • John

      Maybe the banner worked because dingdong has left the building.

  4. WayCoolBlue

    Well now rent has gone so the letter was a bit late. But from now on we can celebrate a new Brummie holiday the 11th of May is DangOut day

    Happy DongOut day to all bluenoses KRO ????????????????

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