Blues 2021/22 Accounts

Blues 2021/22 Accounts

Blues accounts for last season were released a few days ago. The main highlights are discussed below.

Blues 2021/22 Accounts

Blues 2020/21 Accounts

Blues accounts for last season were released a couple of days ago. The main highlights are discussed – as well as the headline profit and loss numbers, there are some interesting things happening

Fan-led Review:  Scrutiny Of Club Finances

Fan-led Review: Scrutiny Of Club Finances

Does the FA, the Premier League and the EFL have the propensity to regulate the finances of our football clubs? Indeed, is there also a conflict of interest in them trying to do so in a free, self-regulating fashion?

Blues 2021/22 Accounts


In his recent interview Ren Xuandong talked about making the club more financially sustainable. What is that likely to mean for Blues?

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